Neptun kód Jelszó
Közraktár utca 4-6. C503. Telefon: 482-7241 Fax: 482-7255 Kezdőoldal Corvinus Egyetem Kapcsolat IN ENGLISH

International Relations from 1815 to1945

Aims: The aim of the course is to provide students with a thorough overview of the classical 19th century periodof international relations as a precursor to 20th century wars and the Cold War. The Congress of Vienna will beinterpreted as a starting point of modern institutionalised diplomacy the means of which would be analysedthroughout the classes focusing on the 19th century. The system of the Holy Alliance will be contrasted with thePeace of Versailles and will be interpreted as a relatively efficient peace settlement serving the Concert ofEurope throughout the long 19th century. From the turn of the century the massive transformation of the web ofalliances will be discussed in light of the two world wars that defined the short 20th century. The detailed 540minute discussion towards the end of the Semester will aim at delivering a fertile breeding ground for theanalysis of the Cold War in the following academic year.

2019/2020 tanév, II. szemeszter

Code of the course:7NK40NCK80B
Lectures per week:Lecture (2x90 minutes)
Az oktatás nyelve:English
A tantárgy típusa:
Time:Wednesday 9:50-13:10
Place:C. 103.


dr. Békés Csaba»
Instructor:Kelemen Zoltán»

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1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. V. em. 503. Telefon: (1) 482-7241 Fax: (1) 482-7255