Neptun kód Jelszó
Közraktár utca 4-6. C503. Telefon: 482-7241 Fax: 482-7255 Kezdőoldal Corvinus Egyetem Kapcsolat IN ENGLISH

Small State Studies

The study of small states is usually neglected by IR scholars, since
most of the researches focus on more powerful and richer countries. But in the era of globalization
and interdependence, the leverage of resource-poor nations have widened. The aim of the course is
to fill this theoretical gap and to analyze the unique situation of the small states, the most important
opportunities and challenges they face, and the possible strategies they might conduct. The course
puts an emphasis on the various mainstream and alternative theories which deal with the
interpretation of the specific characteristics of small states.
The course consists of three parts. In the first three sessions introductory lectures will be held with
the aim to give the students a proper basis to be able to analyze small states. In the second panel,
we will discuss the most important theories about the behavior and the possible strategies of small
states. In the third block case studies will be presented by students.
Every lecture will be held in an interactive manner, therefore attendance and participation is
required to accomplish the course.

2018/2019 tanév, I. szemeszter

Code of the course:7NK40NFVA6M
Lectures per week:Lecture (1x90 minutes)
Az oktatás nyelve:English
A tantárgy típusa:
Time:Thursday 17:20-18:50
Place:C. 204.


Szalai Máté»

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Course Description135 KBPDF dokumentum

© 2024 Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. V. em. 503. Telefon: (1) 482-7241 Fax: (1) 482-7255