Neptun kód Jelszó
Közraktár utca 4-6. C503. Telefon: 482-7241 Fax: 482-7255 Kezdőoldal Corvinus Egyetem Kapcsolat IN ENGLISH

English for the European Union

Course Description

This course is being offered for students who carry on studies in the field of IR\n and see their future work at international or EU institutions consequently being\n knowledgeable about various aspects of the EU. The course has a twofold\n purpose: besides aiming at raising awareness about the European Union and\n making attempt to find potential answers to the questions such as present\n challenges caused by globalisation, institutional reforms or different policy\n areas it wishes to engage students in critical thinking by allowing to improve\n fluency, communication-, debating- and presentation skills as well as\n understanding, as being responsive to peer opinion. The additional objective\n of the course is to provide the relevant standard of “EU-English” by reading\n minutes, documents, reports, research material, thus focusing on the\n vocabulary required for a future career.



Course Type

  • szak, alapképzés, 3. év, 1. félév, kötelező

Lectures per week

1x80 perc előadás és 1x80 perc szeminárium

Course in this semester

Ebben a félévben ebből a tárgyból nem indul kurzus.

© 2024 Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem, Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék
1093 Budapest, Közraktár u. 4-6. V. em. 503. Telefon: (1) 482-7241 Fax: (1) 482-7255